Children of Masindi is a small Bristol based U.K. registered charity that was established in 2008. We support children and young people in Masindi, Uganda; focusing on those with disabilities and special educational needs. We are non-religious and non-political.
What do we do?
the kamurasi school
Our aim is to improve the education, health and wellbeing of children and young people with disabilities in the Masindi District of Uganda with a particular focus on the Kamurasi Demonstration School.
The Kamurasi Demonstration School plays a very important role in offering inclusive education to disabled children in the town of Masindi.
Around 2.5% of children in Uganda are estimated to have a disability.
Only 2% of children with disabilities access education through inclusive schools and 10% through special schools.
The School
Lilian is the kamurasi school headteacher
Children of Masindi work in partnership with the whole school community, including the local Education Department to ensure that issues are highlighted and projects are planned and prioritised.
The Kamurasi Demonstration School has approximately 1000 children.
Currently the school has 60 disabled children who board at the Kamurasi School, only going home in the school holidays.
There is a total of 171 children have some form of disability enrolled at school.
Vocational Training
Pupils wearing their school uniform made at the vocational unit
Since 2015 the charity has successfully established vocational training for the disabled children at the Kamurasi Demonstration School in Masinidi. The young people now have the opportunity to learn to sew and knit using machines to make school uniforms for sale through the school office.
The profits from the sale of the uniforms made at the vocational unit provide salaries for four members of the school staff
Past trainees are now trainers themselves enabling the unit to become more sustainable and independent.
Making a difference to children and young people's lives in Uganda.
Proud to Inform
We are a small charity with no overheads or administration costs. Monies raised or donated is used directly on projects to promote the education, health and well being of the disabled children we are working with.